Becoming a member of the WTO, signing on to its agreements. New members have to negotiate terms: — bilaterally with individual WTO members — multilaterally, (1) to convert the results of the bilateral negotiations so that they apply to all WTO members, and (2) on required legislation and institutional reforms that are need to meet WTO obligations.
In telecoms, the charge made by one country’s telephone network operator for calls originating in another country
African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Composed of 79 countries with preferential trading relations with the EU under the former Lomé Conventions now replaced by the Cotonou Agreement.
Pelaku Usaha Distribusi yang bertindak sebagai perantara untuk dan atas nama pihak yang menunjuknya berdasarkan perjanjian dengan imbalan Komisi untuk melakukan kegiatan pemasaran Barang tanpa memiliki dan/atau menguasai Barang yang dipasarkan.
Trade-distorting AMS has two components – non-product specific and product-specific support: the product-specific AMS is calculated for each basic agricultural product and typically covers support measures such as market price support and non-exempt direct payments. Non-product specific support is support provided in favour of agricultural producers in general. Only members with an AMS commitment in their schedules of commitments can provide AMS support beyond their de minimis level and up to this commitment.
Rangkaian kegiatan pengakuan formal oleh KAN, yang menyatakan bahwa suatu lembaga, institusi, atau laboratorium memiliki kompetensi serta berhak melaksanakan Penilaian Kesesuaian.
Bagian dari alat ukur, yang menunjukkan hasil pengukuran.
Alat yang diperuntukkan atau dipakai sebagai pelengkap atau tambahan pada alat-alat ukur, takar atau timbang, yang menentukan hasil pengukuran, penakaran atau penimbangan.
Alat yang diperuntukkan atau dipakai bagi pengukuran kuantitas atau penakaran
Alat yang diperuntukkan atau dipakai bagi pengukuran massa atau penimbangan.